Ebook You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal With It Rachel Jankovic 9781947644885 Books

If "Who am I?" is the question you're asking, Rachel Jankovic doesn't want you to "find yourself" or "follow your heart."
Those lies are nothing to the confidence, freedom, and clarity of purpose that come with knowing what is actually essential about you. And the answer to that question is at once less and more than what you are hoping for.
Christians love the idea that self-expression is the essence of a beautiful person, but that's a lie, too. With trademark humor and no nonsense practicality, Rachel Jankovic explains the fake story of the Self, starting with the inventions of a supremely ugly man named Sartre (rhymes with "blart"). And we--men and women, young and old--have bought his lie of the Best Self, with terrible results.
Thankfully, that's not the end of our story, You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal with It takes the identity question into the nitty gritty details of everyday life. Here's the first clue Stop looking inside, and start planting flags of everyday faithfulness. In Christianity, the self is always a tool and never a destination.
Ebook You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal With It Rachel Jankovic 9781947644885 Books
"As many have said, this book is a breath of fresh air. I read it in 2 days and now I am back on Amazon ordering copies for all of my closest friends and family members. So refreshing and freeing to read Biblical truth."
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Tags : You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal With It [Rachel Jankovic] on . If Who am I? is the question you're asking, Rachel Jankovic doesn't want you to find yourself or follow your heart. Those lies are nothing to the confidence,Rachel Jankovic,You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal With It,Canon Press,1947644882,Religion Spirituality / General,Family Relationships/Parenting - Motherhood,RELIGION / Christian Theology / Anthropology,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Growth,Religion/Christianity - General,Religion/Inspirational,Self-Help/Personal Growth - Self-Esteem,girl wash your face; rachel hollis; loving the little years; christian identity; motherhood and moms; who am i are you
You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal With It Rachel Jankovic 9781947644885 Books Reviews :
You Who Why You Matter and How to Deal With It Rachel Jankovic 9781947644885 Books Reviews
- I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Like Rachel Jankovic's other books, You Who? is engaging, often funny, and written in very short, readable chapters that pack a lot of punch and give you a lot to think over, reminiscent of the writing of Elisabeth Elliot. But moreso than her books on mothering, this book delves surprisingly deeply into philosophy and theology in a down-to-earth, practical way.
Perhaps the most notable thing about this book, and the thing that most commends it, is how thorough Christian it is. Unlike a lot of books put out by Christian publishers or Christian authors right now, that have a lot of the world's advice about living your best life (believe in yourself! make time for yourself! prioritize yourself! you go, girl!) with just enough references to Jesus thrown in to make Christian readers feel good about reading the book but not so many that a non-Christian reader couldn't just skip them or shrug them off, You Who? is a book that is rooted entirely in the story of God's redemptive work in the world and in our lives. It is realistic but hopeful and joyful. And while Rachel may not think she is writing encouragement for women, you will walk away from the book encouraged and inspired to obey your God and through that be the best and truest version of yourself. - Great HONEST book about identity. Finally, some solid, REAL help for the self in a world full of lies! I love what she writes here. 💗
- I've never purchased books specifically to give away, but I am now. This book is life changing. I'll probably read it several times within the next few weeks. I needed someone to tell me the unvarnished truth, and Rachel did. She's kind, funny, smart, and blunt. I don't feel beat up by her writing, nor I don't feel talked down to. She's simply rolling out biblical truths in a way that I can understand and apply to my life. I don't have children at home anymore, I wasn't a stay-at-home mom, nor have I been a lifelong Christian like Rachel has. However, her ideas resonate with me. This book will remain on my bookshelf for life.
- In a culture (even among believers) where everyone seems to be having an identity crisis, it is of utmost imporance that we get back to the basics of why we are all here. The “you are enough†movement along with the idea that we can write our own stories is leaving humanity striving, depressed and self-focussed. Rachel did a masterful job showing us how we got to where we are in our culture today as well as real, biblical answers to help us move forward in truth. I believe all believers (and humanity for that matter) would greatly benefit from reading this book. This would be an excellent book to read with your teen as well—boy or girl! Thank you, Rachel, for allowing God to use you to lead us back to these foundational truths.
- I don't think I've ever done so much underlining in my life! There are maybe 10 pages where I DIDN'T underline something. This is an important and timely message on Christian identity and view of self, especially in light of our current culture and social media influences - same destructive philosophies, new packaging. The Christian community is getting a lot of false teaching from popular mommy-bloggers turned 'influencers.' While the author does not call any out by name, her message stands in direct contradiction to their teachings. Her writing is conversational, and she has a teacher's gift of explaining intellectual, philosophical and biblical concepts. I'm thankful for any teaching that points me away from myself and back to Christ, and I want to get this book in the hands of every believing woman I know!
One criticism, which I imagine is more for the editor/publisher than the author I would love to lead groups of teen girls/women through this book, but wish it were a little better organized. It has 26 short chapters, which could have been 10-12 longer ones, easier to break up for weekly study/discussion. Here's hoping a study guide will be published - maybe an 8-10-week study where you read 3-4 chapters each week. Also, while I love the book title, a different subtitle could have done a better job of explaining what to expect. - As many have said, this book is a breath of fresh air. I read it in 2 days and now I am back on ordering copies for all of my closest friends and family members. So refreshing and freeing to read Biblical truth.
- Christian women - and ALL women - if you’re struggling in some areas like personal identity, sense of purpose, discontentment, fulfillment, body image, shame, being ruled by your emotions and feelings, and becoming who you were meant to be - this book is a must. If you think you are soaring in these areas, you’ll benefit greatly, too!
It’s easily written to be understood (and funny!), but it is not an easy read. It will force you to acknowledge lies you’ve believed as truth and it will show you how to be free from them. It’s one of the most powerful books I’ve read and I pray you see me transformed as I apply these truths to my life.
P.s. She also wrote ‘Loving the Little Years’ another one of my favorites.