Download PDF Sewing School ® 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make Andria Lisle Amie Petronis Plumley 8601420165878 Books

Kids can sew too! This inspiring guide includes 21 fun sewing projects for children ages 5 and up. With easy-to-follow illustrated instructions and cut-out patterns, young crafters will quickly be sewing up colorful pillows, potholders, dolls, blankets, and more. These kid-tested projects require only minimal supervision and most can be made using simple hand stitches, so no sewing machine is required. With plenty of encouragement and helpful tips, Sewing School ®
helps young sewers develop their skills while sparking a passion that will last a lifetime.
Download PDF Sewing School ® 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make Andria Lisle Amie Petronis Plumley 8601420165878 Books
"After checking it out and renewing this book from the library we finally bought it on Amazon. The projects are items they will actually use and sewing school #2 is just as great. Perfect gift for a boy or girl, as I sew myself most of the things needed we already have but this was the first time she learned how to start and finish a project with a machine and by hand all by herself with a pattern. It will last for years as it shows the simple basic ways to make everything but also photos if you really get into technique and turn things right side out etc."
Product details

Tags : Sewing School ® 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make [Andria Lisle, Amie Petronis Plumley] on . <DIV><P>Kids can sew too! This inspiring guide includes 21 fun sewing projects for children ages 5 and up. With easy-to-follow illustrated instructions and cut-out patterns,Andria Lisle, Amie Petronis Plumley,Sewing School ® 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make,y Publishing, LLC,1603425780,62578,Crafts Hobbies,Sewing,Sewing.,Sewing;Juvenile literature.,CHILDREN'S ARTS CRAFTS,CRAFTS HOBBIES / Sewing,Children Grades 2-3,Crafts Hobbies/Crafts for Children,Crafts / Hobbies,Crafts for Children,Easy Non-Fiction,Handicrafts (Children's / Teenage),JUVENILE,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Art / Fashion,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Crafts Hobbies,Juvenile Arts And Crafts,Juvenile Grades 2-3 Ages 7-8,Juvenile Nonfiction,Juvenile literature,Readings/Anthologies/Collected Works,Techniques,United States,kids sewing; teach kids to sew; kids fiber crafts; craft projects for kids; hand sewing for kids; sewing skills; learn to thread a needle; kids sewing kit; how to sew buttons,kids sewing;teach kids to sew;kids fiber crafts;craft projects for kids;hand sewing for kids;sewing skills;learn to thread a needle;kids sewing kit;how to sew buttons,CRAFTS HOBBIES / Sewing,Crafts Hobbies/Crafts for Children,Crafts for Children,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Art / Fashion,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Crafts Hobbies,Crafts / Hobbies,Juvenile Arts And Crafts,Juvenile literature,Juvenile Nonfiction,Children Grades 2-3,Handicrafts (Children's / Teenage)
Sewing School ® 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make Andria Lisle Amie Petronis Plumley 8601420165878 Books Reviews :
Sewing School ® 21 Sewing Projects Kids Will Love to Make Andria Lisle Amie Petronis Plumley 8601420165878 Books Reviews
- My 7 yr old son recently decided he wanted to learn how to sew. Unfortunately, so much of the sewing kits, books, and supplies are geared towards girls. He noticed it but I told him that lots of men sew and that it's a useful skill. So we got him a kit. He was excited and told a friend who then teased him for using a "girl" kit. Ugh!
Enter this book. Not only is it full of beautiful photographs that help teach sewing steps, I was pleased to see how many boys were included in the photographs--sewing just like their female counterparts. The projects are fun and intrigue both girls and boys. My son absolutely loves this book! It is wonderfully written amd photographed. I highly recommend it! - My 7 year old daughter loves this book. It is so well written that she can read it and do the activities with little assistance from me. It is a great start to hand sewing. She even made a gift for her sister (a bag/purse). Instead of following instructions exactly, she added her own flair. We love this book.
- After checking it out and renewing this book from the library we finally bought it on . The projects are items they will actually use and sewing school #2 is just as great. Perfect gift for a boy or girl, as I sew myself most of the things needed we already have but this was the first time she learned how to start and finish a project with a machine and by hand all by herself with a pattern. It will last for years as it shows the simple basic ways to make everything but also photos if you really get into technique and turn things right side out etc.
- We bought this book for my daughter for her 7th birthday and she absolutely loves it. She’s made numerous projects from this book and she’s had it about 4 weeks. Although she needs assistance here and there, she’s completed some of the projects on her own. The descriptions are great and the projects are cute and appropriate (simple). The pictures are nice too and my daughter loves looking through it at the kids and reading their quotes about sewing. This book is wonderful for sparking creativity. The only negative thing I could say is that the book doesn’t really describe how to tie off a stitch; they just basically say “tie a knotâ€.
If you have a crafty child that is interested in sewing, don’t hesitate- buy this book!!
I’ve included pictures of the following projects So Soft Pillow, Stuffies, Apple Pincushion, Book of Needles, Cute Coaster and Quiet Mouse.
If you found this review helpful give it a thumbs up! - Bought this for my daughter who was 7 and wanted to learn to sew. I can't say enough about this book. The projects range in difficulty and she absolutely loved making things herself. Excellent beginner book for kids learning how to hand sew. Includes patterns! Get the spiral bound version.
- Great sewing book for kids! The day that this arrived, I presented it to my five year old as a surprise. She was so excited to find that it had patterns in it that she could cut out "just like Mommy." The pattern paper is thick so it won't get torn by smaller hands. The first thing she picked out to make was a skirt. She cut out the pattern by herself, outlined the pattern on fabric with chalk by herself, and then cut out the fabric by herself. Yes, she needed quite a bit of guidance when it came to actually sewing it (I guided the fabric and she pushed the sewing machine pedal), but she was so proud once it was done, because she felt that she had made it entirely by herself since the only help she got was my guiding the fabric. Just as a heads up, if you are planning on sewing the projects with a machine, you need experience sewing. Most of the things, however, can be sewn by hand. Since purchasing this book, we have made the skirt (which fits great), and two matching pillows and blankets for my daughter and husband to cozy up together while watching movies (these were Father's Day gifts). Highly recommend.
- I ordered this book for my almost 10 year old niece. She will be getting a sewing mahine for Christmas in a couple months so I got this for her birthday at the end if September along with a sewing basket and hand sewing supplies. I looked through this book and I WANT IT! I am a seamstress by profession and I thought this book was genius. It is almost a shame it is marketed towards kids because it is honestly a great beginning sewing manual. It shows you everything you need to know from how to knot your thread to thread your needle and first stitches. I am so pleased with this book.
- Bought this book for my 5 year old daughter. She absolutely loves it! She's made several projects already (my wife helped her a bit). She is learning fast and really enjoying herself. The pictures are perfect - kids of all ages working on their sewing projects. The instructions are clear and the patterns included are great! Excellent book for any kid learning to sew.