» Download PDF The Mastery of Love A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship A Toltec Wisdom Book Don Miguel Ruiz Janet Mills 8580001059129 Books
Madge Garrett on Thursday, May 16, 2019
Download PDF The Mastery of Love A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship A Toltec Wisdom Book Don Miguel Ruiz Janet Mills 8580001059129 Books

Product details - Series Toltec Wisdom (Book 2)
- Paperback 210 pages
- Publisher Amber-Allen Publishing (March 30, 1999)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1878424424

The Mastery of Love A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship A Toltec Wisdom Book Don Miguel Ruiz Janet Mills 8580001059129 Books Reviews
- This book along with Don Miguel Ruiz’s “Four Agreements†single handedly changed my life. I was training for The 2017 NFL Draft in Dallas, TX from January 1st -March 17th, and had the pleasure of reading these two books along with a couple more. These books helped me with the internal struggles i was having with myself. I understand now that love is a pure result of the love coming outward from within you. I also understand and know how to identify when negative emotions are arising within myself and i can suppress them before transferring that emotional poison unto someone else. These books are absolutely AMAZING, and GAME CHANGING, and i promise you guys ( Community) that whenever i get my platform to be able to influence and speak on important manners, i will use these books for reference!!
- This book totally changed my outlook and perspective about real love. So many people go into relationships hoping to extract happiness from the other person, when really you are the only person who can make yourself happy. As someone who never liked to be single out of fear of loneliness, I picked up this book at the perfect time and I'm experiencing a calm and tranquility that I never have before. There's a part in the book that also struck a chord with me we have to actively hunt down our own parasitic and debilitating thoughts, otherwise they will consume us and we will live in our own perpetual hell on earth. I've always been hard on myself and it's taken a lot to overcome my own self-rejection. I still have my moments, and that's where this books has helped me immensely. I just bought a copy for a friend - it's too valuable not to share.
- It's difficult to give this review an adequate title. In reading this work I have taken yet another step towards self knowledge, towards a more complete SELF. This author starts at the very beginning in order to build a mastery of love your human self. The overwhelming message is that you must first love and accept yourself before you can love and accept another. The truly stunning part of the entire document is that he has established that the traditional methods of raising and rearing young humans is an act of domestication. This domestication then becomes the root of the many barriers to self love and therefore the ability to truly love others, whether it be familial love, friendship love or romantic love. The only remaining question, which brings its own set of follow-on questions is is there a better way to instill necessary skills and knowledge in the young, or should we find a way to apply a cure for the domestication once we have reached maturity? This book is a"must read" for anyone who is trying to awaken their inner self.
- helped me a lot.....really good stuff in here....i read this right after a bad breakup and time in my life, and this really opened my eyes to true love vs attachment and what you should expect from others and from yourself. so much of this strongly resonated with me right when i needed to hear it. i bought the audible version too....i plan on listening and reading to this and his other books often..... empowering and encouraging.
- I highly recommend this book. I read the paperback and this is one of the most influential books that I have read. It talks about the unconditional love and how the fear based relationship and beliefs lead to suffering and drama in life. The Mastery of Love includes
1. Why domestication and the image of perfection lead to self-rejection
2. The war of control that slowly destroys most relationships
3. Why we hunt for love in others, and how to capture the love inside us
4. How to finally accept and forgive ourselves and others
This book is very thought provoking and will lead you to think about all the relationships. You need to have an open mind before reading this book. Now, I am really excited to read Four agreements. I again highly recommend this book. - I have owned at least six copies of this book in the last ten years. It absolutely changed my internal metric for loving others and myself. My life has been so positively impacted by it that I have given a copy to every serious partner I have had, my mother, and my best friend. Everyone I know who reads this book finds a depth of wisdom and comfort in Ruiz perspective that they come away changed from the experience of absorbing the knowledge contained within. If you have ever reflected on or struggled with any intimacy issues, co-dependency, anger, self-hatred, or been called bitter/bitchy/etc. I highly recommend you read this masterpiece. It provides simultaneous insight into how to properly process the baggage we all carry and sometimes throw at others, as well as how to love in an artful, cultivated, conscious, and pure manner. Reading this book won't "fix" anything in yourself or life, but it will provide you with a radical perspective on how to love, how to be loved, and how to handle your own emotions in a way that offers others your very best.
- Love this book. Everyone should read this to understand that love is not about owning someone. It's about learning to love yourself then someone else. Love is more about yourself, then you find the partner who you can share the foxhole with, but not be fully dependent upon each other. Never put your happiness in someone else's hands. They won't know what to do with it and may drop it. Then you are left heartbroken. This guide helps you understand what to and not to do in a relationship.
- This book helped me a lot after coming out of a relationship and giving that relationship another chance. Going back into the relationship, this book helped me to really love my partner for the person he is and not try to change him. Great read, really puts things in perspective )