» Download PDF How Can I Talk If My Lips Don't Move? Inside My Autistic Mind Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay 9781611450224 Books
Madge Garrett on Sunday, May 19, 2019
Download PDF How Can I Talk If My Lips Don't Move? Inside My Autistic Mind Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay 9781611450224 Books

Product details - Paperback 240 pages
- Publisher Arcade; 1 edition (April 1, 2011)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1611450225

How Can I Talk If My Lips Don't Move? Inside My Autistic Mind Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay 9781611450224 Books Reviews
- As the grandfather of an autistic boy who is trying to assist the boy's parents I have been to immersing myself in the wealth of autism related content on the web. In this endeavor I have spent some time reading books by autistic authors. "How can I speak if my lips don't move" by Tito Mukhopadhyay is one such book. It is written by a non-verbal autistic man who is able to communicate only by writing. In it he describes with great eloquence how he experiences his own situation and the world around him. He is obviously an extremely intelligent and observant individual who expresses himself with the instinct of a poet. The anecdotes he relates, the observations he records, and the thoughts he offers give us an illuminating perspective into the effort and attention somebody with this kind of sensory handicap has to devote to study, practice, adapt, struggle to just function on the most basic level, just to stay even. To compensate for their impairment such individuals have to employ mental resources that the rest of us never have to tap into because our sensory system so automatically takes care of those issues for us. How this need illuminates Tito's awareness of the sensory complexities that he struggles to make sense of is eloquently expressed in, for instance, the essays "The Power to Control Darkness and Light" and "The Power of a Ceiling Fan to Make Me Feel Sure". As another autistic author, Iris Johansson, describes in her book A Different Childhood, the extra effort she had to put into studying other people's behavior and expressions as well as her own sense impressions in order to "be normal" also had an upside; this extra effort also resulted in extra understanding. The readers of this book will have the opportunity to share to some degree in that understanding.
- this book wonderfully relates the journey of a young man diagnosed with severe autism. The author relates how he views the word through his sensory diverse system. Also gives a very detailed account of all the hard work he and his mom went through to overcome a lot of his difficulties ranging from communication (by pointing, then independent writing, then verbal) desensitation, aversions, obsessions, basic skills...
If you have a child on the spectrum, or undiagnosed but you think they may be , or with sensory issues, you have to read this! if you know anybody who’s child falls in this categories, gift them this book. It will open a window to the world that for many of us is so hard to imagine and will help understanding the difficulties that child may be experiencing daily. - I don't like rating this kind of book. It is not fiction, where you can judge the story's plot. Although I did enjoy Tito's scattered, whimsical style, I did not read this book for the purpose of enjoying the writing/literature aspect- so I am not choosing my rating based on the writing itself either. I'm giving it five stars because Tito shared himself with his readers, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read his story in his own words and gain his insights. I think my favorite aspect of this book was Tito's sense of humor, and I found myself chuckling out-loud several times. I look forward to reading more from this author and other Autistic writers.
- Tito's mother is a hero - and because of her, Tito is able to give us a peek into the experience of autism. Thank you, Tito and Tito's mother! Eminently readable. Well written by a remarkable young man.
- I never would have expected to read a book written by someone who is autistic and very educated! The patience and understanding from his mother was really his gift to the outside world. An incredible story of his progress!
- I bought this in March, but April is Autism Awareness Month, and anyone who wishes to learn more about a certain type of autism would do well to pick this book up. Tito can't talk, but he can write, and what he picks up on, how he perceives the world, are enlightening to a neurotypical person like myself. Really enjoyed reading this, and will be keeping it to refer to in the name of understanding my friends on the spectrum better.