» Ebook 2000 Most Common Portuguese Words in Context Get Fluent Increase Your Portuguese Vocabulary with 2000 Portuguese Phrases Portuguese Language Lessons Lingo Mastery Books
Madge Garrett on Monday, June 3, 2019
Ebook 2000 Most Common Portuguese Words in Context Get Fluent Increase Your Portuguese Vocabulary with 2000 Portuguese Phrases Portuguese Language Lessons Lingo Mastery Books

Product details - Series Portuguese Language Lessons (Book 1)
- Paperback 283 pages
- Publisher Independently published (March 13, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1090432593

2000 Most Common Portuguese Words in Context Get Fluent Increase Your Portuguese Vocabulary with 2000 Portuguese Phrases Portuguese Language Lessons Lingo Mastery Books Reviews
- Context is the ideal way to learn vocabulary, especially when you’re a beginner. These sentences allow you to easily learn not only the 2,000 most common words, but also the many other words that appear in other parts of the example sentences.
Ideal for creating flash cards from. A great way to get started and get a solid base in Portuguese vocabulary. - Studying the words presented in this book will help the Portuguese learner to construct sentences and improve one’s reading skills. I would have liked to see a section that shows the conjugations of verbs in this book.
- A very well-presented book, with a lot of good explanations and tons of useful phrases
- The book was very helpful. It helped clear plenty of questions regarding basic uses of words/phrases that I tend to struggle often. I’ve definitely used this book as a great resource and would recommend to anyone starting off their Portuguese journey!
- As an English/ Spanish speaker who is learning Portuguese I enjoyed learning from “2000 Most Common Portuguese Words in Context†because it provides a concise and formatted version of all the most common vocabulary. Unlike many other vocabulary banks, this one was easy to comprehend. I have several other books - which will not be named, but I value this one because it was thought out and well matriculated. I definitely recommend it and I encourage anyone to follow along because there are other materials for us Portuguese learners which we could take advantage of.
- I think it’s a good book to have when traveling to Brasil. Portuguese is a challenge to master but this definitely helps.
- Very nice formatting has helped me tremendously
- Lingo Mastery has embarked on a mission – to make Portuguese more accessible to a wider population. In the Introductory Note the goal is stated well ‘Learning a new language can be compared to starting to swim as a child; it’s actually one of the best analogies you can make about it. At first, you’ll stand on the shore or the edge of the pool and look at that great mass of liquid, wondering just how you’re going to start. After all, if you don’t get it right, you’ll start drowning and your interest in learning probably won’t last much longer after that. So you wait patiently and lick your lips in anticipation. Finally, you dare to make a move and jump inside. What you do next will decide just what kind of a person you are. I use this comparison because many people are too afraid to dare to jump into that pool and take a chance at learning a new tongue — a language that can open new doors for you in your future and become a tool that you’ll use to communicate with an entirely fresh community. There are over 260 million Portuguese speakers in the world and many of the biggest companies in the world will value a worker that speaks two languages. Since Brazil is a rapidly growing economy many international companies will try to establish themselves there sooner or later and then Portuguese will certainly be helpful! If you’ve picked this book up, you’re already made good progress in learning the language. This book can give you an incredible tool in learning the Spanish language vocabulary. Now you’ve just got to learn how to use it.’
The technique is based on a 1964 study – ‘Learning the first thousand (1000) most frequently used words of a language will allow you to understand 76.0% of all non-fiction writing, 79.0% of all fiction writing and an astounding 87.8% of all oral speech. Learning the top two thousand (2000) most frequently used words will get you to 84% for non-fiction, 86.1% for fiction, and 92.7% for oral speech. Learning the top three thousand (3000) most frequently used words will get you to 88.2% for non-fiction, 89.6% for fiction, and 94.0% for oral speech. The specifics of the language are outlined and then the lessons begin.’
Examples e- and - Eu preciso estudar matemática e português.’ I need to study math and Portuguese
Po – by, through, for – ‘Você leu o e-mail enviado por sua famÃlia?’ Did you read the e-mail sent by your family?
Nao – no, not - ‘ Infelizmente não posso fazer isso agora.’ Unfortunately I can not do this now.
And so it proceeds with one of the more accessible adjuncts to mastering the Portuguese vocabulary in a manner that places words in context and thus – easy to remember!
The technique is solid and the lessons well taught. This is a very fine introduction to Portuguese, appropriate for all age levels, and a book much needed at this time in the world of business and job searching! Grady Harp, March 19